Submit a return

Exclusion of complaints:
We do not accept complaints under the following circumstances. In this case ordered goods cannot be returned:
- You are unsatisfied with the material of the goods and did not order a sample in advance
- You do not like the print result, although it corresponds to the printing proof (e.g. you do not like the size, the color or the positioning of the print)
- You do not like the product you have ordered
Products which do not meet your expectations, but do not have any defects cannot be refunded. To avoid this, we offer you the possibility to order a pre-sample of a promotional item of your choice. This allows you to convince yourself of the product quality before ordering. We recommend you to make use of this sample offering. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via our contact form.
If you have received defective goods, you can return them to us. You can only register your return by email. Please do not return goods without contacting us. Our customer service will assist you and find a solution for you.
This is the information we need when you would like to make a return:
If you would like to submit a return, please send us an email with a written complaint and your order number. This is the only way we can process your request and accept a possible return. These are the following information we need:
- product information (type and quantity)
- reason for complaint
- photos of the damaged products
- information about the number of products affected
- whether you would like to get a refund or the items to be produced again